Thursday, August 11, 2011

11 Months

Your 11 month post is VERY LATE. We had a very rough start to your 11th month. Just before you turned 11 months you got really sick. You ran a high fever for 12 days straight. You coughed, had a runny nose, and your voice was hoarse. We went to the doctor and found out that you had a severe ear infection. After a week you were still not better, and you broke out in a horrible rash all over.They did blood work and your platelet count was 80,000. It should have been over 300,000. They reaslized this was caused by the constant high fever. After several more trips and blood work you finally were diagnosed with Hystophylis Influenza. It is a bacterial infection that takes over the nose.

You learned so many new things over the month. You got a baby doll named Girl while you were sick. You feed her a bottle and play with her all the time. You can stand up all by yourself now. You will take a few steps here and there, but you are still not walking. You are suck a good girl. You started sleeping all night in your bed again. You wouldn't while you were sick.
You also started imitating us! You love to wear a necklace while you are playing. You eat pretty much anything we eat, but still will not eat meat. That is ok though, because Mommy doesn't really like meat either. You still do everything with your left hand. I can't believe how fast you are growing. You love to laugh and smile! You have such a personality!