Friday, March 26, 2010

Brynley is Hyper!

I started feeling the tiny flutters in my stomach when I was only 14 weeks and 4 days pregnant, February 18th to be exact. My granny always told me that when I felt her I would know it because it would feel just like a butterfly fluttering around in there, and it really did. Two days after we found out the sex of our sweet angel I started feeling her ever so often from the outside of my belly. It really is the most amazing feeling in the world. Usually I can only feel her when I am laying down, but today while my class was having arts and crafts fun Friday little miss priss was very hyper, and I could feel her over and over. All my life I was so afraid of how the feeling would be when I got pregnant, but it truly is the best feeling in the world. I think of it as her saying, "Hi Mommy, I'm ok in here and I cant wait to see you!"

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Its a .......

Monday we went to the dr. for our 18 week ultrasound and to find out what Baby C would be. On the way to the dr. I drank a 20 oz Mt. Dew and ate a WHATCHMACALIT candy bar. Baby was jumping all over the place. After the nurse did her thing she turned the screen around to us. Baby would not cooperate. I had to move to different positions, and each time she got down there it crossed it legs. At one point Robyn looked at the screen and said, "Oh, is that his little thing?" It was hilarious because she informed him that it was the baby's umbilical cord. Finally Baby C uncrossed it's legs and its a GIRL. We were both very shocked. We had been calling her by the boy name that we had picked out. I wanted a girl so bad deep down inside, but really thought that we would have a boy. Of course Daddy started saying how she won't be able to date until she is 30 and began worrying about boys already. Me...well I started thinking about hairbows, and monograms, and spend the night parties with Addyson. Her name will be Brynley Sage!