Saturday, January 12, 2013

Check out the giveaway for a $10 amazon gift card!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

11 Months

Your 11 month post is VERY LATE. We had a very rough start to your 11th month. Just before you turned 11 months you got really sick. You ran a high fever for 12 days straight. You coughed, had a runny nose, and your voice was hoarse. We went to the doctor and found out that you had a severe ear infection. After a week you were still not better, and you broke out in a horrible rash all over.They did blood work and your platelet count was 80,000. It should have been over 300,000. They reaslized this was caused by the constant high fever. After several more trips and blood work you finally were diagnosed with Hystophylis Influenza. It is a bacterial infection that takes over the nose.

You learned so many new things over the month. You got a baby doll named Girl while you were sick. You feed her a bottle and play with her all the time. You can stand up all by yourself now. You will take a few steps here and there, but you are still not walking. You are suck a good girl. You started sleeping all night in your bed again. You wouldn't while you were sick.
You also started imitating us! You love to wear a necklace while you are playing. You eat pretty much anything we eat, but still will not eat meat. That is ok though, because Mommy doesn't really like meat either. You still do everything with your left hand. I can't believe how fast you are growing. You love to laugh and smile! You have such a personality!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

10 Months

I can't believe in two short months my precious baby will be 1 year old. It seems like everyday you change, learn new things, and get bigger and bigger. They baby days are over for you. You think you are such a big girl now. It truly amazes me how quickly you learn new things. I hope this continues for you forever. You are our precious gift from God. The best thing that has ever been given to us. Your smile lights up our lives. You are such a precious little girl. You know what "NO" means and you try to be smooth and get us to smile after you get in trouble. This is just hilarious to me but I am trying to be tough and not let you see me laugh! When you start walking you will be ready to potty trained. For about 3 months you have known when you had a wet diaper and feel of it. Lolly bought you a potty chair and we already practice. You will sit on it forever, but so far no tinkle.

You have the most outgoing personality in the world. If someone sits down beside us when we go out to eat you immediately put on a show until they say something to you. You smile at everyone. You are the quickest crawler I have ever seen. It is like you are running you are so fast. I still love when you call the dogs. You also call anyone who you want like a dog. So smart!!!!

You crawl everywhere.

You pull up on everything. You get brave sometimes and let go!

You eat lots of big girl food and rarely take a bottle. You mainly just want one when you first wake up.

We finally found a sippy cup you like. You love any with a straw. See, you are trying to act way to big.

You talk so much. All the time.

We are about to start your first swimming lesson in a couple of hours.

You eat tons of food all the time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

9 months

The changes you have made in one month are unbelievable. They day you turned 8 months you started to scoot across the floor. Now you are crawling as fast as you can everywhere! It is amazing! You went for your 9 month visit and you weigh 20 lbs 2oz. and are 28 1/2 inches long. Dr. Farr said you could start having real food such as potatoes, peas, and green beans! You are a super happy baby! You haven't slept well since the storm. I think it really messed your schedule up. You love to walk with us helping you. I really thing you will be walking in the next month.

You still only take 6 oz of formula, but will rarely take a bottle. When you do you never take all 6 ozs.

You are wearing 6-9 month clothes.

You wave at everyone, call the dogs, patty cake, tell people to come here.

You are a talker. You say dada , mama, lolly, sissy, Bob Bob, pop, dog, book, bye, hi and more.

You pull up on everything.

You are going through a phase where you want mommy and daddy a lot. You do not want to be put down at all.

You still love Elmo.

You love to watch the dogs and call them. You click you tounge and motion with your hands for them to come here.

You love to hear the Barney song and dance everytime we sing it!

You have 8 teeth and 3 are about to poke through.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

8 Months Old

I can't believe how much you have changed in one month. It is unbelievable. You can do so much on your own now. I love to see you accomplishing new things! I love when I come home and you start smiling so big and jumping up and down in your daddy's lap! It makes me so happy! I am so blessed to have you as my little girl! You are perfect! You make me so happy!

You are still only drinking 6 oz. of formula.

You eat three times a day.

You can feed yourself finger foods. You love puffs and cry when they are all gone.

You can scoot yourself anywhere you want now!

The days of you being still are over. You want to grab and hold everything.

You now have 8 teeth!

You are wearing 6 or 9 months in clothes most of the time.

You are a huge Daddy's girl. You have him wrapped around your little finger.

You finally said MaMa and Lolly.

You motion your hands to come here when you drop something. And you call it like a dog!

You click your tounge constantly! It is super cute!

You want to walk around holding Daddy's hands all the time. You are really good at it!

You pat-a-cake anytime we tell you too!

You can mimic us when we do things like touch our hands a certain number of times on something!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sagey is 7 Months Old

The time since you were born has been the best days of my life! You are a wonderful baby! We love you so much! Your smile brightens my day. I can't imagine life before you. I can't believe that it has already been 7 months. It seems like yesterday I was reading to you in my belly. You have accomplished so much in these past months that it is unbelievable!

You still drink 6 oz of formula.

You eat 2 times a day.

You wave bye-bye at everyone.

You love to wave at the Precious Moments calendar on your wall. You wave everytime we walk past.

You have 7 teeth already.

You love to walk in your walker.

We went to Gatlinburg for your first time! We had a blast!

You are starting to sit up in the shopping cart and in high chairs, with your cover on them!

You talk all the time!

You still only take your paci to fall asleep, I am so thankful for this!

You say DaDa non stop! He loves to remind mommmy of it.