Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Telling Our Family

When we found out we were pregnant I decided that we should wait until Christmas to tell my family. Everyone knows I can't keep anything from my momma, granny, or Shawna. However, I had no trouble keeping the secret. Robyn on the other hand, couldn't wait to tell.

Before we told the wonderful news we had already been to our 1st dr. visit and had blood work. It was almost 3 weeks from the time we found out, until we shared the news. Robyn called my momma every night and asked when we were having Christmas at Brandon's house. I told him she was going to know something was going on if he didn't quit calling, but she didn't figure it out.

We wanted everything to be special, and everything to be a surprise, especially since no one knew this could have even been happening. We bought everyone a glass, polka dot, AL. christmas ornament to throw them off. Robyn used stickers to put Lolly and Pop on momma and daddy's, Uncle and Auntie on Brandon and Kerry's, Uncle on Brent's, and G-Bob on Granny's. We told everyone to open their gifts at the same time. Mom looked at hers and said, "When you have a baby I'm not gonna be called Lolly."

About that time Kerry screams, "Oh my god, yall are having a baby!" Momma still didn't get it. Finally I had to look at her and tell her that I was pregnant. Everyone was in complete shock. I then picked up the phone to call Shawna.

When she answered I said, "Do you think our babies will be best friends like we are?"

She goes into, "I've been thinking about that. If you get pregnant sometime next year I bet they will be."

I then say, "Well it won't be next year, I am pregnant."

She couldn't believe it. It was such a wonderful night for both Robyn and me. However, we decided not to tell anyone else until I was 12 weeks along!

We have Nursery Furniture ....FINALLY!

We finally have Brynley's Baby Furniture! We thought we were getting it Saturday, but when we got to the store that we ordered it from at the end of March so pieces weren't in yet. They were suppose to be in weeks ago. After a huge hassel the owner gave us our money back and we found the furniture in stock at the only other store in AL. that carries it! THANK YOU LORD JESUS!!!!

We went today and picked it up. They actually had a much better price than the other store, and were so nice to give us a coupon for $50 off her mattress, so we got that today also! Robyn says her room will be ready by Saturday. I think all we will like are her 2 wall paintings and curtains then, but the majority will be finished!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Brynley's Baby Shower

Saturday, June 19th, was Brynley's Baby Shower! It was held at the Cullman County Museum and was hosted by friends and family! All the decorations were absolutly beautiful, and we had a great turn out. The decorations matched the theme of her room, pink, brown, and green paisley!
Brynley received tons of wonderful gifts! It is a great feeling to know that so many people love you this much! I truly believe we have a spoiled baby on our hands!

Today we started our 2 week appointments. Dr. Woods said I would get to have one more ultrasound at the next appointment. This is great timing because Robyn will
be off work during this time and can go see his little princess! Brynley has been kicking and moving tons. At my final UAB appointment we found out that she is already head down. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone. At the beginning I was so terribly sick and every day I wondered if I would ever make it to August. Since March I have felt great, and things have flown by. Now I think I am going to miss being pregnant. I am going to miss feeling my precious love moving around in my belly, and being able to keep her protected inside of me.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

How We Found Out We Were Expecting

I know this is a little late, but this is something I want to remember forever.

I have been on birth control for eight years, The Patch, which I LOVE. I knew exactly when my period would come, on Wednesday at 10:00 on the week of my cycle each month. In October we decided to go ahead and get off of it because we wanted to start trying for a baby in January, and I wanted it out of my system for 3 months before we started to try.

Thanksgiving Break rolls around and I clearly remember Mrs. Acosta at school walking by and saying, "You better get some practice over the break." Which strikes me as hilarious now, knowing when I got pregnant.

So we come back from break and Mrs. Monette looks at me and says, "You weren't on FB much, so I guess we know what you were doing." Which wasn't neccessarily the case, but my family shops the entire week of Thanksgiving!

Well on Monday, December 7th I was suppose to start my period...it wasn't on Wednesday because of getting off my patch. We had a BBSST meeting that day, and I wanted a Sprite SOOOOOOO bad. I don't like sprite, everyone knows I drink Mt. Dew always. I walk to the drink machine and get a sprite and Mrs. Shar looks up at me and says, "Uh-Oh, the only time I have ever craved sprite was when I found out I was pregnant." I explained to her that it couldnt be possible, I had just got off my patch, and so forth.

We have our meeting, and at some point during the day for no reason , Mrs. Monette informs me that I am pregnant. I again tell her NO WAY.

That night I get home and I still haven't started. I really didn't think anything about it because I figured it would be late because of not having my patch. About 8 o'clock I decide that I should just take a pregnancy test. I had one in the bathroom because I have always been one to think I was pregnant, even when I knew I couldn't be. Well this just happened to be a very expensive digital test that my husband told me I better not waste and that I didn't need to take pregnancy tests until I was over a week late. Well, I just had to take one for some reason , so I go in the bathroom and take it. Well, Robyn NEVER walks in the bathroom while I am in there, and of course this night he did. I put the test under the cabinet and listened to him. When he finally left I got it out ready to throw it away because I just knew that I really wasn't pregnant.

I looked at the stick and it says ---PREGNANT......I have always planned how I would tell my husband in a sweet way..well that all went down the drain. I started yelling , "Robyn, ROBYN, ROBYN, come here..OMG OMG OMG." I started shaking all over, I was scared to death at the moment. Robyn walked in and I said, "OMG Robyn, I am pregnant." He looked confused, and I explained that I took the test because everyone at school had told me I was pregnant and I knew he told me not to waste them but it wasnt wasted.

We get in the car and head to the dollar general where we buy 2 more tests. I took all of them and they all came back positive. Once the shock was over, we were sooooo excited. God blessed us more quickly than we could have ever imagined.

We decided to wait to tell anyone until Christmas. For some reason this was no problem for me, the person who can't keep anything from my Mom, Granny, or Shawna. Robyn, on the other hand, he was dying to tell my Momma. He would call her everynight to see when we were meeting for Christmas. I told him she was going to figure out that something was up.

We went to the dr. on Dec. 15th and found out that we did indeed get pregnant over the Thanksgiving Holidays----I guess we didn't need that practice did we, Mrs. Acosta....LOL

4d Ultrasound/Lots of Movement

Monday, June 7th we went to UAB for our last appt to check out my placenta. The placenta had moved and I no longer have placenta previa, which means I am in line for a normal birth. The best part about going was seeing Brynley! As soon as the lady touched my belly with the ultrasound machine she started kicking her! We got a picture of a perfect foot print. Let me just tell you , this little girl has some big feet already. Brynley had so much hair that it was already showing up on the ultrasound. I was really worried she wouldn't have any hair because I have not had heartburn very badly.

I asked them if we could see her in 4d once they finished all of their measuring and so forth, and they said sure. It was AMAZING! Everytime they would get to her face, she would take both hands and cover it. She was also rubbing her little eyes. At one point, she put her foot in her mouth!
The dr. told me she was already head down! We ended up getting some really great pictures, and I was so thankful for the dr and nurse at UAB doing this for me. It brought tears to my eyes actually seeing my perfect little angel! Her cheeks are huge (like mine), and it looks like she is going to have her Daddy's lips (which if you know me, I have hoped for this...I just love my husband's lips)!

In the past few weeks she has started to move A LOT! I have been attending a two week math workshop and as I sat in class I could see her move through my shirt. It is the most amazing thing. I can't wait to meet our precious gift from God!

Next week is our Baby Shower and I can hardly wait! I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family! I am also ready for some cake!!!!