Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Telling Our Family

When we found out we were pregnant I decided that we should wait until Christmas to tell my family. Everyone knows I can't keep anything from my momma, granny, or Shawna. However, I had no trouble keeping the secret. Robyn on the other hand, couldn't wait to tell.

Before we told the wonderful news we had already been to our 1st dr. visit and had blood work. It was almost 3 weeks from the time we found out, until we shared the news. Robyn called my momma every night and asked when we were having Christmas at Brandon's house. I told him she was going to know something was going on if he didn't quit calling, but she didn't figure it out.

We wanted everything to be special, and everything to be a surprise, especially since no one knew this could have even been happening. We bought everyone a glass, polka dot, AL. christmas ornament to throw them off. Robyn used stickers to put Lolly and Pop on momma and daddy's, Uncle and Auntie on Brandon and Kerry's, Uncle on Brent's, and G-Bob on Granny's. We told everyone to open their gifts at the same time. Mom looked at hers and said, "When you have a baby I'm not gonna be called Lolly."

About that time Kerry screams, "Oh my god, yall are having a baby!" Momma still didn't get it. Finally I had to look at her and tell her that I was pregnant. Everyone was in complete shock. I then picked up the phone to call Shawna.

When she answered I said, "Do you think our babies will be best friends like we are?"

She goes into, "I've been thinking about that. If you get pregnant sometime next year I bet they will be."

I then say, "Well it won't be next year, I am pregnant."

She couldn't believe it. It was such a wonderful night for both Robyn and me. However, we decided not to tell anyone else until I was 12 weeks along!

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