Monday, February 7, 2011

Fun Baby

Tonight you have been so much fun! I sometimes think that if there were people peeping in the window watching Daddy and me they would probably think we were crazy. We played a little tickle game with you tonight. You laughed so hard! It brought tears to my eyes! Then you of course had to stand up for a while. That is your favorite thing to do right now. When I hold you or put you on your belly you rock back and forth constantly.

When you finished eating your pears you laughed for a long time. When we weren't paying attention to you , you would squeal with all your might until we looked. Then you would laugh. You did this so long and so hard that it brought tears to your eyes. You didn't mind. You just kept on playing.

Tonight as I rocked you and looked at you I realized how fast you are growing and how quickly it is going by. I remember while I was pregnant thinking I couldn't wait for you to walk and talk. Now I just want to soak in every single memory. I can't believe in lesss than a week you will be 6 months old. You are my first baby. You are teaching me how to be a mommy. I hope I don't let you down.

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